Types Of Warehouses
A warehouse is a place used for storing, accumulating and managing goods. While some warehouses are massive in size and can support automated services like climate-control, others are comparatively smaller, confined within a limited space. Depending on the necessity, dealers choose their preferences. A warehouse bridges the time-gap between the production and consumption of products. They hold and preserve the goods until they have been dispatched to the consumers. You will generally find the following types of warehouse space in Delhi or in any other city:-
Private Warehouse:-
Private warehouses are owned and operated by channel suppliers and resellers. These private owners use these warehouses for their own distribution activities. Since these types of warehouses are used for personal use, they are generally located near the manufacturing location. The design and the amenities available in these types of warehouses depend on the types of products that will be stored in there.
Public Warehouses:-
The warehouses which can be rented by any manufacturer, for the purposes of storing goods, are known as public warehouses. A public warehouse is constructed for the purpose of renting it to a third party, for storing goods. To regulate such warehouses, one first has to get a license from the government. The government also controls and regulates the functions of these warehouses. Public warehouses are mostly used by manufacturers, wholesalers, exporters, importers, government agencies, etc.
Government Warehouses:-
Government warehouses are those which are controlled, managed and regulated by the central government or the state government or public corporations or local authorities. It can be used both by the government and public enterprises to store their goods. A few common examples are the Central Warehousing Corporation of India, the State Warehousing Corporation and the Food Corporation of India.
Bonded Warehouses:-
Bonded warehouses are controlled, managed and operated both by public agencies and government bodies. In both the cases, strict control and regulations are imposed on them by the customs authorities. They are mainly used for imported goods and that’s why bonded warehouses are located near ports. Goods stored in these warehouses are at a lower risk from any kind of damage or theft. Customs duty is to be paid for the imported goods or they will not be granted clearance. The goods stored in the warehouse may be branded, packed, graded, labeled or canned.
Distribution Center:-
In certain warehouses, goods are stored only for a very brief period of time and are shipped out as soon as possible. This type of warehouses generally deals with perishable goods (food). The suppliers send the goods to the warehouse, which acts as a distribution center and distributes them to customers by the end of the day.
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