Modernizing Supply Chains To Cut Food Wastage.

India’s biggest wholesale hubs are witnessing a rather disappointing trend. And there is reason plaguing it- that of a shoddy management of supply chain India.
Every day truckloads of produce, ranging from apparel stuff to vegetables and fruits arrive, are unloaded and dispatched to other middlemen for sale to consumers.

Consider the material being dispatched, or even stored in warehouses is fresh vegetable produce. The produce is subjected to the seething heat of the sun and to long journeys, hence paving but an obvious way for wreckage. The brutal conditions that the food you eat goes through is condemnable, to say the least. The blistering sun saps most of the essential nutrients, hence rendering them mere eatables sans any nutritional content.
The food industry is reeling under serious conditions which are only reflective of threats to food security. Efforts have been made and scrutinized plans been chiselled out to modernise the supply chain and invest in cold storage and refrigerated trucks. In a scenario when gruesome climatic conditions are taking a toll on food items and are leading to their wastage, there is an inherent need to pep up investments in country’s food supply chain.
Warehouses spaces Chennai is a testimony to the escalating need for modern warehouses.  It accounts for 10 percent of India’s cold storage facilities. Though it can be deemed as a beginning flushed with positivity, at 10 percent the growth is stunted.
Modern warehouses are still seen as something difficult to be shovelled down. They are not a common phenomenon, yet, and might take a few years before they start addressing the needs of those at a lower or a mid-income level. While modern supply chains have been erected for branded food items, a larger chunk of country’s perishable food still needs modern warehouses to serve the immediate needs.


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